Documentation and Tools
A list of useful documentation and other tools for DPLA Hubs.
- Collection Development Guidelines
- DPLA Metadata Application Profile with Introduction
- Hub repository and server change policy
- Ingest Guidelines for Members and Non-Members
- DPLA Graphics
Mapping and Ingest Tools
- DPLA repositories on Github
- Hub Re-Ingest Dashboard
- Hub Analytics Dashboard
- Partner Crosswalks
- Sample Open Refine Templates for Dublin Core and MODS
- XSLT samples
Quality Guidelines and Tutorials
- Partnering with DPLA: Initial Metadata Requirements
- DPLA Metadata Creation Resources
- DPLA Metadata Quality Guidelines
- DPLA Geographic and Temporal Guidelines: for MAP 3.1 and the python ingest system
- DPLA Standardized Rights Statements Implementation Guidelines
- DPLA Metadata Analysis Workshop materials
- Hub Metadata Orientation: Data Harvesting @DPLA [video | slides]